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How to Save Money on Wedding Supplies Like Sparklers and Centerpieces Family Articles | December 13, 2010 Getting married is an expensive proposition these days. Wedding supplies can be expensive if you don't know where to look. Between the bride's dress Reilly Smith Jersey , the venue, catering, centerpieces, sparklers and a...
Getting married is an expensive proposition these days. Wedding supplies can be expensive if you don't know where to look. Between the bride's dress, the venue, catering, centerpieces Colin Miller Jersey , sparklers and all of the little details, many people spend $25,000 or more on their wedding.
Luckily, with a little creativity and common sense, there are many ways to cut expenses. A lot of it requires shopping around for the best prices, and occasionally, doing something yourself instead. Here are a few ideas of where you can find your wedding supplies Deryk Engelland Jersey , and often save some money at the same time.
Wholesale suppliers: Wholesale suppliers are a great way to purchase what you need for your wedding. Especially if you are having a large wedding with lots of guests, it makes sense to buy wholesale, and you can save a lot of money on wholesale prices. Wholesale is also a great option for wedding venues and wedding planners, who are buying supplies for many events instead of just one. Items like sparklers and centerpieces, as well as tablecloths and linens, can be found at discount prices.
Discount retailers: People love to save money, and as a result Marc-Andre Fleury Jersey , there are many discount retailers where you can find much of what you need for your wedding. The stuff you find at these retailers isn't necessarily cheap, either. Chances are it is actually very high quality. Discount retailers often purchase name brand overstock, irregular items, or last season's stock and sell it at a discounted price.
Shop around: Don't forget the value of shopping around! Even when you are getting your supplies from wholesalers or discount retailers, comparing prices is a good idea. Sometimes you might be able to find the same items, or something similar, for a better price from another retailer. Use shopping comparison websites James Neal Jersey , but don't forget to do your own searches, as well, using local sources such as Craigslist and other websites, such as Etsy and eBay, where third-party sellers may offer better prices than large retailers.
Buy used: Some supplies for your wedding can be purchased used, with no one being any the wiser. For instance, linens for the tables can often be purchased used for a good price; if you rented linens Vegas Golden Knights Jersey , they would have been used and cleaned already, anyway, so the idea of "used" linens shouldn't turn you off. Vases are another item that can be purchased used, often for a sizeable discount.