>A basic guideline on how to set up business card with Spot UV Posted by articlelink01 on May 15th Sam Darnold Jersey , 2017
As many businessmen out there will already have an idea of not all business cards are the same. They vary indefinitely in material, design and most importantly purpose. The design of the business card is one such factor that varies widely and each design has its own share of pros and cons. The people interested in business card design must know that the method of setting up business cards with spot UV is fairly different from the everyday process used to design other business cards. It is not as easy as cheap postcard printing but with the right share of knowledge you will be able to manage quite a lot of business card prints.
Why is spot UV printing different?
What makes business cards with Spot UV different from the basic business cards is that you don’t actually print the spot UV part and hence you need to allocate separate files for the areas with the spot UV and the areas with the print. One thing you need to be pretty clear about is that the purpose of printing business cards with spot UV is only to coat certain areas of the card with spot UV and not the entire card surface. By knowing the basic nuances of UV spot coating you can manage to leave an everlasting impression on your prospective clients.
What about the printed area?
You specifically do not need to perform any special effects or layering on the printed area to make it ready for UV coating. The only special effect you might be able to give to it can be the Ghost effect where you will have to leave certain parts with no considerable printing under it.
And the Spot UV...
It might be hard to believe but creating a separate spot UV file for your business card is much easier. The UV coating can be compared to a simple colour which you will be able to put over the objects of your design which means that you will just have to put black in the areas where the spot UV coat needs to be applied. The areas with white inside the spot UV file will have no coat of UV applied over it. So the logic is simple; black means UV coat and white means no coat.
How is it beneficial?
There are many merits that attribute to the constant demand of business cards with Spot UV printing. Let us discuss them in brief. To begin with the process is hundred percent environmental friendly which means none of the effluents flow into the atmosphere as gases. This process is mostly associated with a high level of precision making it one of the most sought after methods of business card printing worldwide. UV printing allows you to particularly highlight the areas in your business card that you want the viewers to notice first. It has been a steady hit among the masses and continues to do so. Marketing is one issue where people appreciate the little nuances of detailing. You make your product a little less eye catching than the others and you might lose a healthy share of your clients. So make your business card all the more appealing with spot UV printing.
Be it Cheap postcard printing or printing your Business cards with spot UV it has to be done in the correct manner so as to achieve its full potential and bring you success as you desire.
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